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The Joint Attention Development in Children with Autism: A Critical Review
Chung-Hsin Chiang, Ph.D.*
Wei-Tsuen Soong, M.D**
National Chung-Cheng University*
National Taiwan University**
Autism is a development disorder of abnormal brain development. Among many hypotheses, explaining psychopathology of autism, the Joint Attention Deficit hypothesis offers most plausible explanation. This paper comprehensively reviewed the development of joint attention in children with autism and in normal children. The authors commented on the inconsistency of JA studies on autism and suggested the following directions for future research: 1.to explore the role of intentionality in JA; 2.to carry out longitudinal studies of JA; 3.to investigate individual differences in joint attention among children with autism; 4. to examine the relationship between the JA deficit hypothesis and other hypotheses, e.g., theory-of-mind deficit, executive function deficit.
Keywords : joint attention, autism, normal infants
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